As mentioned earlier you must select the Input Format and Resolution of your video signal.
3. Configuration
Video Setup Page
Choose the Input Format of your video signal from the drop down list.
At the bottom of the VIDEO Setup page
select the output Format to match your
preview monitor.
Note: This setting is to be able to match the
Output Video to your monitor’s Input.
Choose the Encoder Resolution from the
Resolution drop down menu.
Note: In most cases this will be the same as
the Input Format; however you can choose
to stream at a lower resolution in order to
save bandwidth.
If your Source is 1080, we have found that
it’s a better use of Bandwidth to select
1280x720 as a Transmission Resolution.
If your source is Interlaced you might wish to select “Input
deinterlace” “On”, as progressive video presents a better video
experience to the Viewer over the Internet.
When you are finished making changes to the VIDEO Setup Page
click “Apply” to save your changes and then the AUDIO Tab at the top of the page.