You must configure the Input Format and the Monitor Output before initial use and whenever the input source or output
monitor changes. You can also set a name for your PS unit and change the date, time and time zone to match your
broadcast location. This configuration can be done offline using any computer with an Ethernet connector. You must
know the current IP Address of the computer you are using.
Connect the Producers Station to the computer using a standard Ethernet Patch cable.
3. Configuration
IP Configuration
1. Copy the file VS Manager into a File Folder on your “C” Drive called “VS Manager” open the folder
and right click the “VS Manager.exe” file and “Send to” “Desktop” (create shortcut). This will place a
Shortcut on your Desktop, which should look like the Icon to the left.
VS Manager uses Internet Explorer (32 Bit) as a Host Browser. In fact, all Marshall H.264 Products use Internet
Explorer as a Browser, no other Browsers are supported at this time. Double click the Icon to launch VS Manager.
2. In VS Manager select
IP Discover
Highlight each PS-102 unit one at a time.
Set the IP Mode to Fixed IP
Set the IP address to match the domain of
the computer you are using. The first 3
groups of three digits of the IP Address
( should be the same. The
last three digits can be from 001 to 254 and
cannot be duplicated within the network.
3. Select
IP Change
Give the server a name and click Add.
Then click Close. This will return you to
the main VS Manager Page.
4. When the IP address has been successfully
changed, highlight the unit and click the Add
Server button.
Important Note for Windows 7 64Bit Users,
you will need to change the
default path for opening Internet Explorer so it opens the 32Bit Browser.
In VS Manager go to the “Tools Tab”, then “Options” change the Path
to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\explore.exe
The Graphic on the right shows the changed
path.The Home Page of VS Manager will open,