Four Way Footswitch
The optional Marshall four way footswitch (model MPM 4E) provides a simple means of selecting four patches.
The footswitch will call up patches one to four, however, the Mapping facility can be used to call up any
four of the 100 JMP-1 patches.
To Re-initialise The JMP-1
This procedure will re-load the factory sounds and reset the mapping table.
Your edited sounds will be lost if the unit is re-initialised.
Procedure, Hold down OD1 and Clean 1 whilst switching on the power.
Memory back-up
The JMP-1 has an internal battery back-up system to keep your patches safe
while the unit is switched off. This battery should last for several years.
Every time you power up the JMP-1, a self check program is run. If any
errors are detected an "E" will be displayed momentarily (Fig 8).
If this should occur repeatedly, then it is likely that the internal back-up
battery needs replacing. Contact your dealer as soon as possible and
back up your patches (see System Exclusive).
System Exclusive
By using system exclusive MIDI code, it is possible to dump all your patch and mapping settings to an
external MIDI device such as a sequencer or data filer.
To Transmit MIDI Dump Data:-
Connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the JMP-1 to the MIDI IN of the receiving device. Press the
PATCH key and the VOLUME key together to begin transmitting. The display will indicate that a MIDI
exclusive dump is in progress by counting the data blocks (0 thru' 9) as they are transmitted (Fig 9).
When the transmission is completed, the display will return to normal.
To Receive a System Exclusive Dump:-
Connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the transmitting device to the MIDI IN on the JMP-1. (Ensure
that the memory lock is off - see page 6)
Receiving a MIDI dump will re-write all your patches and mapping data, so be sure that you are
loading the correct data before you start. If you are unsure then make a back up of your current data
Execute the dump from the transmitting device. When the JMP-1
recognises the system exclusive code it will automatically respond by
counting the MIDI data blocks as they are successfully received (Fig 9).
If this does not happen then re-check the MIDI connections and that you
are sending the correct file. When the transmission is completed, the
display will return to normal.
Fig 9. System Exclusive Dump
Fig 8. Error Detected