MPAAD User Manual
Airplane type: ________________________
With or without doors: ____________
Did the airplane have a pressure cabin and was it used? __________________________
Did the airplane descend before ascending from the departure aerodrome?____________
Did the airplane ascend slowly after the start? __________________________________
Maximal reached height before the respective parachutist’s drop_________________
Jump height: ___________________________________________________________
Pilot’s name and telephone number:
6. Activation details:
Date and time: ___________________________________________________________
Airport (country / city): ____________________________________________________
Where was MPAAD activated:
On the ground
During flight
During main parachute
During free fall
In ascend
After main parachute
In airplane
In descend
During reserve parachute
Parachutist’s position in the airplane: _________________________________________
Estimated activation height: ________________________________________________
Air temperature on the ground: ______________________________________________
How much time did MPAAD need to activate? _________________________________
How many jumps with MPAAD were completed before MPAAD was activated? ______
Was it switched on at theairport?_____________________________________________
If not, where was it turned on? ______________________________________________
Has the MPAAD been outside the airport - except for the time when it was in the airplane or
under the canopy – since the time of its activation?
The main parachute opened:
very slowly
No, the main parachute did not open
When the main parachute open, the parachutist was
In a stable position
In start
Flying headlong
On his back
On his side
Was rotating
Was not stable
Combination of all of the above
Please describe the accident in your own words, giving as many details as possible:
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