Preventative Maintenance Procedures – Evaporator / Extruder area
Nylon & Delrin thrust bearings should be
replaced bi-annually or before if less than 1/16”
thick (see diagram-
Extruding Head Bushing should be inspected for wear
annually or before. During bi-annual PM this should be
checked for side play / scoring of the evaporator.
Reservoir tray –
evaporator w/ auger
assembly removed.
Take note that the evaporator’s inner walls are scored from the factory with
vertical grooves. When cleaning / de-scaling the evaporator assembly use
straight Ice Machine cleaner (not Nickel-safe) and a rigid nylon brush after
sitting for 15 minutes. As the factory grooves may fill with impurities if the
de-scaling solution has not fully cleaned the vertical grooves please do the
following. With a non-rotational movement (straight strokes up & down)
use 60 grit sandpaper to score the evaporator’s inner walls once again.
Doing this will reduce the risk of rotational freeze. Once complete flush &