. The electrical installation of this device must only be undertaken by a suitably trained
and qualified electrician; all local safety standards must be observed. All work must
satisfy Building/IEE Wiring regulations in force at the time.
2. Solar is suitable for heating water tanks with up to two immersion heaters rated
up to 3kW each which MUST include a working thermostat.
3. There should be NO electronic controls between the Solar and the immersion
heater, only direct connections to the immersion and mechanical thermostat are
suitable for Solar .
4. Where a switch is installed between the Solar and the immersion heater, there
should be NO neon lamp on the switch.
Thank you for purchasing a Solar .
Solar Features.
Up to two immersion heater connections, when the first immersion heater is
satisfied the energy flows automatically to the second immersion heater
Manual Boost and programmable Timed Boost (eg. For economy settings)
A single, battery powered, wireless sender with measurement clamp
Displayed energy saving information
Up to 3kW immersion heater capability
Solar is pre-programmed for wireless connection to the optional
Buddy home energy monitor
These instructions provide information on the installation, operation and
programming of the unit. Please keep this booklet safe for future
The Solar is designed to be used in conjunction with micro-generation systems,
e.g. solar PV, where surplus energy generated can be stored within a domestic hot water
cylinder in the form of hot water. By monitoring the amount of energy being exported to
the National Grid the Solar unit will divert energy into an immersion heater when
the energy generated exceeds the amount of energy consumed within the property. Solar
controls the energy delivered to the immersion heater in proportion to that
Before use, please read these instructions carefully
Checks Before Commencing Installation
Please note and ensure the following before commencing any