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300 and 0 ohms), or the TLA100 can be custom calibrated for any shape tank. Refer to
Section 3.5 for choosing a standard type resistive sender or custom calibrating the TLA100.
3.1 Configuring Tank Type
As shipped from the factory, the TLA100 transmits the tank type as “Fuel. You can reconfigure
the TLA100 for any of these tank types:
1. Fuel
2. Fresh Water
3. Waste Water
4. Live Well
5. Oil
6. Black Water
You configure or program a TLA100 tank type using a display product such as the Maretron
DSM200. Refer to the user’s manual for configuring the TLA100 as the manual provides
detailed instruction on configuration procedures.
3.2 Configuring Tank Number
As shipped from the factory, the TLA100 transmits the Tank Number as “0”. The TLA100
supports up to sixteen tanks (0 through 15) for a given type of tank, which means you can
monitor up to 16 separate fuel tanks or 16 separate fresh water tanks. The TLA100 is
configured or programmed by choosing a TLA100 tank number using a display product such
as the Maretron DSM200. Refer to the user’s manual for configuring the TLA100 as the
manual provides detailed instruction on configuration procedures.
3.3 Configuring Operating Mode
The TLA100 operates in one of two modes: 1)
NMEA 2000
, or 2)
NMEA 2000
Analog Gauge Mode
. You configure or place the TLA100 into
NMEA 2000
when you
are connecting the TLA100 directly to the resistive tank sender (see Figure 2) and you are not
using an analog gauge. In
NMEA 2000
, the TLA100 supplies an electrical current to the
resistive tank sender and monitors the changing voltage as the tank is filled or emptied.
Whenever the TLA100 is used together with an analog gauge, then you configure or place the
TLA100 into
NMEA 2000
/ Analog Gauge Mode
. In this mode, the analog gauge supplies the
electrical current to the resistive tank sender while the TLA100 monitors the changing voltage.
Placing the TLA100 into
NMEA 2000
/ Analog Gauge Mode
requires you to configure or
program the TLA100 with the analog gauge’s resistance, which is described in Section 3.3.1.
You can configure or program a TLA100 operating mode through a display product such as the
Maretron DSM200. Refer to the user’s manual for configuring the TLA100 as the manual
provides detailed instruction on configuration procedures.
3.3.1 Configuring Analog Gauge Resistance
If you are using the TLA100 in the
NMEA 2000
/ Analog Gauge Mode
, then two different
analog gauge resistances need to be measured and programmed into the TLA100. You will
need an ohmmeter to make the two resistive measurements, which are 1) power terminal to
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