2.0 Configuration and Modbus map
User’s Manual GW-DLMS-485-ELSA15
Page 3
1.1 System Overview
DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) Protocol is used in meters field and specifically in
electric Energy meter to readout consumption and other values. The reference standard is EC 62056.
This standard defines services which permit to read objects, OBIS defined. Inside these objects are
mapped running meter values using standard profiles.
By Gateway DLMS-MODBUS is possible to read DLMS energy meter’s data using MODBUS RTU or
MODBUS TCP protocol. The gateway is completely transparent to DLMS protocol, so user must know
only Modbus protocol.
This Gateway version reads data from up to four counters through the RS485 port and provides value
to two RS232 port MODBUS RTU slave and on an Ethernet port Modbus TCP Server (up to 3 client