2.0 Cubic Foot L-Series Blast Machine
M a r c o • 3 4 2 5 E a s t L o c u s t S t r e e t • D a v e n p o r t , I o w a 5 2 8 0 3 • C e r t i f i e d I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 0
Operator’s Manual
Part # 1090050
Revision: April 8, 2008
For more information call:
Phone: (800) 252-7848
Fax: (563) 324-6258
e-mail: [email protected]
Before using this equipment, read, understand and follow all instructions in the Operator’s Manual. If the user or
assistants cannot read or understand the warnings and instructions, the employer of the user and assistants must
provide adequate and necessary training to ensure proper operation and compliance with all safety procedures
pertaining to this equipment. If Operator’s Manuals have been lost, contact your distributor or call (563) 324-2519
for replacements. Failure to comply with the above warning could result in death or serious injury.