Details of Error code
Coping strategies
Block Erase failed before rewriting
E r a s e
f a i l
1 3
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Block Write failed while rewriting
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
1 4
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Error in Verify after rewriting Main
(Check Sum Error).
U p d a t e C h e c k N G
1 5
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Setup failure of the transfer
method of XModem.
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
1 6
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Unable to detect USB after SBL
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
2 0
Disconnect and connect the USB
No Firmware File in USB after SBL
F i l e s N o t F o u n d
2 1
Disconnect and connect the USB
Firmware File in USB after SBL
Mode for unsupported Model
N o t M a t c h F i r m
2 2
Check the supported Model name/area
for the Firmware File.
Failed to obtain entire Firmware
information after SBL Mode.
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
2 3
Disconnect and connect the USB
Time Out while obtaining entire
Firmware information after SBL
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
2 4
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Failed to transit to SBL Mode.
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
2 5
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Time Out in Download (writing to
SDRAM) for Firmware Download.
D o w n l o a d
f a i l
2 6
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Failed to write to EEPROM after
SBL Mode.
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
2 7
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
Unable to detect USB.
C o n n e c t i o n F a i l
3 6
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
No Firmware File in USB.
F i l e s N o t F o u n d
3 7
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.