Installation
and
Operation
Manual
Refer
to
错误!未找到引用源。
for
trouble
event
types
and
explanation
of
the
events.
Table
Trouble
Event
Type
Category
Trouble
Event
Type
Explanation
System
PrimaryPower_Loss
Primary
power
is
lost
Battery_Loss
Battery
is
lost
ControlPanel_Grounding
Control
panel
detects
ground
condition
PrimaryPower_OverVoltage
Primary
power
voltage
is
too
high
Charger_OverVoltage
Charger
voltage
is
too
high
ArchiveFile_Missing
History
record
file
is
missing
ConfigFile_Missing
Configuration
file
is
missing
ConfigFile_Damaged
Configuration
file
is
damaged
Unit
ALU_Conf.Mismatch
configuration
file
is
mismatched
with
AMI_Jumper
has
a
jumper
shorted
Unit_Missing
is
missing
Ext._Missing
The
network
annunciator
is
missing
Unit_Addr.Conflict
1.
Two
or
more
have
the
same
addresses,
or
2.
Two
have
the
same
addresses
Unit_
Illegal
The
unit
is
working,
but
it
is
not
configured
Unit_SwitchError
The
unit
address
changed
during
running
Circuit
Ext._Illegal
The
network
annunciator
is
working,
but
it
is
not
configured
Ext._Grounding
The
network
circuit
is
grounded
Ext.__Addr.Conflict
Two
or
more
annunciators
on
the
network
circuit
have
the
same
address
Bus_Short
The
addressable
loop
circuit
is
shorted