Bottom Side
In each corner underneath your Mantis are four anti-slip pads.
In the middle, closer to the front edge is a slightly indented
rectangle with a different texture. In this rectangle is a sticker
containing printed hardware information about your Mantis.
Above the sticker, there is a braille label containing the serial
number of your device.
Towards the back left of the device is the battery
compartment. It is closed and secured with two Phillips
QWERTY Keyboard Layout
Starting with the top row (furthest away from you), from
left to right, the keys on the Mantis keyboard are laid out as
Row 1 (top row): Escape, F1 to F12, Delete
Row 2: Grave accent (`), numbers 1 through 9, zero
(0), hyphen (-), equals (=), Backspace
Row 3: Tab, q, w, e, r, t, y, u, I, o, p, [ (left bracket), ]
(right bracket), \ (backward slash)
Row 4: Caps lock, a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, ; (semicolon), ‘
(apostrophe), Enter
Row 5: Left Shift, z, x, c, v, b, n, m, , (comma), .
(period), / (forward slash), right Shift
Row 6: Left Ctrl (control), Fn (function), Windows, left
Alt (alternate), Spacebar, right Alt, right Ctrl, and Left,
Up, Down, Right Arrows