OK OTA upgrade page, set upgrade schedule On or upgrade
in standby On;
If select schedule upgrade, you need set upgrade time and
upgrade frequency to tell box which time can upgrade;
If select upgrade in standby, when STB into standby mode, it
will perform upgrade process at background automatic.
IRD Upgrade
Use IRD upgrade, you can through UART port upgrade fir-
mware from a STB to another, you can upgrade by the following
step as below:
Figure 10-5 IRD upgrade page
Link master and slave box UART port (TX link RX, RX link TX,
GND link GND);
Make sure the power supply at all times, start up two boxes,
OK IRD upgrade page;
Select upgrade module, make sure two box select the same
Select box mode OK upgrade page, which box want be
upgraded OK slave mode, which box will provide fireware OK
master mode;
OK upgrade page, two box will start handshake
communication,when handshake succeed, the upgrade pro-
cess will automatic start;
Figure 10-6 IRD upgrade master mode process page
Figure 10-7 IRD upgrade slave mode process page
When upgrade succeed, the upgraded box will restart with
new fireware.