The power supply will perform a series of self checks when it is switched on.
The LED and other indicators on the front panel will be on by turn. When the cooling fan is being checked, a high
speed wind noise can be heard.
After the self checks, the CV, V and A LED indicators are lit up displaying voltage and 0.0 current. To find out
about the set CC current level, just turn the current control knob one click in either direction. The current display
returns to 0.0 after a few seconds.
7.4 Using the control knobs
The rotary encoder control knobs have fine and coarse tuning with clicking movement.
Push the knobs to toggle between coarse and fine tuning, notice the subtle changes in brightness of related LED. .
Adjust the knobs to your desired values by trying coarse and fine tuning.
The display will resume its normal brightness after few seconds to confirm your adjustment.
Connect the equipment to the power supply. Red (+) is connected to the positive polarity input of the equipment
and Black (-) is connected to the negative polarity input of the equipment.
Switch on the power supply first and the panel meter & green CV Indicator should light up again.
Switch on the equipment and the panel meter & green CV Indicator should still remain in green.
You can now operate the equipment.
When an operation is finished, switch off the equipment first and then switch off the power supply.
Take note of the warnings , wrong disconnection sequence will damage the Power Supply
Warning : Never short the Remote Sensing Terminal
Always disconnect Remote Sensing Terminal first .
1. First complete the power connections between power supply and equipment.
2. Check and make sure the power connections are secure.
3. Then make connections between Remote Sensing and equipment.
Warning!: Never short the Remote Sensing Terminal
Never connect the Remote Sensing Terminal in reverse polarity
Fig.3 showing connections between Remote Sensing, Power output and Equipment.
The remote sensing wire should be AT LEAST 22AWG wire size.
Dis-connection: Wrong disconnect sequence will damage power supply
1. First disconnect the remote sensing connections.
2. Then disconnect the power connections between the power supply and equipment.