5.5.1 Replace the O-rings
Refer to page 4-2 for inspection of O-rings.
This appliance should be inspected and adjusted periodically by qualified service personnel as
part of a regular kitchen maintenance program.
Frymaster recommends that this appliance be inspected at least annually by a Factory
Authorized Servicer as follows:
5.6.1 Fryer
Inspect the cabinet inside and out, front and rear for excess oil.
Verify that the heating element wires are in good condition and that leads have no visible fraying
or insulation damage and that they are free of oil.
Verify that heating elements are in good condition with no carbon/caramelized oil build-up.
Inspect the elements for signs of extensive dry-firing.
Verify that the tilt mechanism is working properly when lifting and lowering elements, and that
the element wires are not binding and/or chafing.
Verify the heating-element amp-draw is within the allowed range as indicated on the appliance’s
rating plate.
Verify that the temperature and high-limit probes are properly connected, tightened and
functioning properly, and that mounting hardware and probe guards are present and properly
Verify that component box and contactor box components (i.e. controller/controller, relays,
interface boards, transformers, contactors, etc.) are in good condition and free from oil and other
Verify that component box and contactor box wiring connections are tight and that wiring is in
good condition.
Verify that all safety features (i.e. contactor shields, drain safety switches, reset switches, etc.)
are present and functioning properly.
Verify that the frypot is in good condition and free of leaks and that the frypot insulation is in
serviceable condition.
Verify that all wiring harnesses and connections are tight and in good condition.