Default Tx Key
— You can set up to four sets of WEP keys, and you can designate
one as the default here.
If you don’t know which one you should use,
select “Key 1.”
Encryption Key 1-4
— Enter WEP key characters here. The number of characters
must be the same as the number displayed n the “Key Format” field. You can
use any alphanumerical characters (0-9., a-z and A-Z) if you select “ASCII” for
the key format. If you select “Hex” as key the format, you can use 0-9, a-f and
A-F. You must enter at least one encryption key here; if you enter multiple WEP
keys, they should not be same.
Enable 802.1x Authentication
— IEEE 802.1x is an authentication protocol. Every
user must use a valid account to log in to this router before accessing the wireless
LAN. The authentication is processed by a RADIUS server. This mode
authenticates the user by IEEE 802.1x, but it does not encrypt the data during
communication. If there is a RADIUS server in your environment, enable this
function. Check this box and another sub-menu will appear:
RADIUS Server IP address
— Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server.
RADIUS Server Port
— Enter the port number of the RADIUS server.
RADIUS Server Password
— Enter the password of the RADIUS server.
Obviously, you don’t want to copy these examples:
• ASCII (5 characters): daisy
• ASCII (13 characters): digitalFAMILY
• Hex (10 characters): 28.7d2aa732
• Hex (26 characters): 9.28.4bcda8.427c9.e036f7abcd8.4
To improve the security level, don’t use words found in a dictionary or that are too
easily remembered. (“daisy” is a bad example and is just intended to show how a
WEP key looks). Wireless clients will remember the WEP key, so you only need to
input the WEP key for a wireless client once. It’s worth using a complicated WEP
key to improve the security level. Once you enter your WEP key and save the
settings, all wireless clients will need to enter that identical character configuration
in order to gain access to your wireless network.
128-bit encryption and
ASCII key format are recommended.