User Manual
Matrix 25 Parameters
Check Digit Transmission
<Do Not Calculate
Check Digit>
Calculate Check Digit
& Transmit
<Calculate Check Digit
but Do Not Transmit>
Fix Length (Two Sets Available)
1. Begin 1st Set
2. Scan Decimal Value
(Appendix A)
3. Complete 1st Set
Follow the steps below to set a fixed length:
1. Scan the barcode containing “Begin” for the desired set.
2. Refer to the Decimal Value Tables in Appendix A. Scan
the label(s) that represent the length to be read.
3. Scan the barcode containing “Complete” for the
desired set.
Repeat steps one through three to set additional lengths.
Set Up Code Length
2. Scan Decimal Value
(Appendix A)
1. Begin 2nd Set
3. Complete 2nd Set
Minimum Length
2. Scan Decimal Value
(Appendix A)
1. Begin
3. Complete