For dampers with flanges is valid D + 160 mm
The fire damper can be integrated into a solid wall construction made e.g. of normal concrete/
masonry, porous concrete with minimum thickness 100 mm or into solid ceiling construction made
e.g. of normal concrete with minimum thickness 110 mm or porous concrete with minimum
thickness 125 mm.
The fire damper can be integrated into a gypsum wall construction with fire classification EI120
or EI 90.
The fire damper can also be integrated outside the wall construction. Duct and the damper part
between the wall construction and the damper blade (labelled with BUILD IN EDGE on the
protective covering) must be protected with fire-fighting insulation.
If is rectangular damper installed outside a construction it is necessary to use reinforcement VRM
for dampers with dimension
A ≥ 800 mm
Examples of fire damper installing
** The recommended dimension of the installation opening is
from 40 mm to 80 mm on the both sides (it means from D+80
to D+160)