While looking through the viewfin-
der, adjust the lens Focusing Ring
until the most important part of the
subject appears sharp and clear.
Extremely accurate focusing is
simplified by the split-image range-
finder spot located in the center of
the Focusing Screen. (to use,
match up the image on both sides
of the split-image.)
The split-image rangefinder spot is
surrounded by a microprism collar
which fractures the image whenever
it goes slightly out-of-focus. Con-
sequently, this is an invaluable aid
for pinpoint focusing accuracy.
The outer ground glass ring (which
encircles the microprism collar) can
be also used for focusing.
*As an accessory, Mamiya offers
Diopter Correction Lenses which can
be attached to the viewfinders. Near
and farsighted persons will find these
accessories useful for obtaining
accurate focus.
*The Focusing Screen is interchange-
able. To change screens, refer to the
instruction manual supplied with the