MicroCal iTC
Washing Module User Guide
Note: The next two instructions deal with the
installation of the Fill Port Adapter (FPA). The FPA
assembly includes a separate set of instructions to
cover installation of the FPA into the pipette. The
installation of the FPA is critical for instrument
functionality. Follow the instructions carefully. For
the purpose of the installation of the washing
module, the FPA will be located in its secondary
position in the port on the back right side of the
washing module.
9. Remove the fill port adapter (FPA) (ASY020506)
from its packaging and screw the red ferrule into
the C1 port on the right side of the instrument.
10. Thread the FPA into the port on the back right
side of the washing module and turn it down
until it is flush with the top of the housing.
Note: The image at right is taken from the back of
the washing module, so the FPA is shown on the left
MicroCal iTC200 Washing Module MAN0582