XSERIES Instruction Manual
MaltaDynamics.com | 800-494-1840
At no time shall this unit be altered or repaired unless authorized by the manufacturer. Failure to
follow the preceding instructions can result in a serious or fatal injury.
At no time shall the equipment not be used in a way or for a purpose other than as instructed by
Use of components within the system must adhere to the instructions provided. Using
combinations of components including but not limited to lanyards, harnesses, SRDs, and anchors
in combinations is strictly prohibited.
A soiled product should be washed and rinsed with clear water, then dried. Exposing the system
to any chemical that could in any way effect its performance must be avoided. Users must
contact the manufacturer for further guidance if such a situation presents itself.
Extreme caution must be used when using the system around moving machinery.
Workers must be aware and use appropriate caution when using the system around sharp edges.
Inspection frequency: All systems shall be inspected visually by the user prior to each use. The
unit shall be inspected by a competent person other than the end user at a minimum of every 12
months in strict compliance with the operating procedures of MALTA DYNAMICS LLd because
the safety of the user is linked to the maintenance of efficiency and resistance of the equipment.
Detailed inspection records shall be kept. An inspection chart is provided in the owner’s manual
attached to the system for your convenience. In the event this system has been involved in a fall,
the unit and all components must be removed from service immediately and checked by a trained
and competent person before possibly being put back in service.
Systems used in harsh environments may require more frequent formal inspections. (Example:
caustic or corrosive environments.)
Corrective actions: If damage is found or questionable conditions are apparent, remove the
equipment from service immediately and tag DO NOT USE. Failure to remove systems that have
been damaged or where their condition is questionable could lead to a serious or fatal injury.
It is recommended that the anchor device is marked with the date of the next or last inspection.
Use the form in next page to maintain records for inspection of this equipment