Repeat the steps from above to attach part G to the other parts B/C assembly. The finished assembly
should resemble image below:
Step 3:
For this step you’ll need the above assembly as well as part D, 2 SHCS screws and 2 cap nuts
Line up part D so the mounting holes line up with the holes on the forward legs of the above assembly.
Insert 1 cap nut into back of above assembly mounting hole and hold with finger in place. Next, insert 1
SHCS screw through part D, through above assembly, and into the cap nut. Tighten by hand or with hex
keys as needed.
Step 4:
Aassemble the Part E (Back Stabilizer Bar) to the part C (Back legs),it’s the same way as Step 3.
Step 5:
For this step you’ll need both the large and small hex keys and the assembly we’ve been creating.
At this point we can now tighten all the SHCS screws and bolts we’ve used to this point. It will be helpful to
place this assembly on the floor in the area you intend to use it so that you can get the unit as level as
possible based on the specific area you plan on using it. The important thing to remember here is that part D
and part E should set flat on the floor and touch as much of the floor as possible. Additionally, you want each
of the four legs to touch the floor. You can slightly adjust the assembly as needed and tighten the various
screws and bolts once you’ve got the assembly configured to set level on your floor. It might also be helpful
to have someone help you during this step, with one person adjusting the legs and stabilizer bar as the other
tightens the various SHCS screws and bolts. It may take several attempts to get it exactly how you’d like it
depending on your floor. If it isn’t perfect, you can always go back and make adjustments at anytime in the
future. It might also be helpful to revisit the previous steps to this point to recall all of the screws and bolts
that need final tightening.
Step 6:
For this step you’ll need the assembly we’ve created, and 2 part H (Bike Arm Bars), 2 part I (Plastic
Cradles), 2 part J ( Rubber insert for Bike Cradles).
We are now ready to slide two of the bike arms on the part B uprights. For straight tube bikes, slant tube
frames 19” or less,and extraordinary frame configurations we suggest mounting part H so that the tube is to
the inside of part B upright. For extra large frames, slant tube frames over 19”, and most BMX frames we
suggest mounting part H so that the tube is to the outside of part B upright. Once you determine which way
you’ll mount them, simply slide one over the top of part B, at least 3 inches below the holes at the top of part
B, and tighten the Knob to prevent part H from falling all the way down part B. Repeat for other side. Add Part
I by sliding on part H, then insert Part J into Part I.
assemble other 2 part H (Bike Arm Bars) at the other side as the same way of Step 8.
Step 8:
For this step you’ll need the assembly we’ve created, 1 part K (upright internal connector), part F
(Logo connector plate), 2 SHCS screws, and 2 cap nuts.
This step is easiest achieved by laying the assembly down on the floor. First, take part K and insert it into one
of the part B uprights as shown below making sure the holes are lined up. Next, we’ll position part F Next to
part K and part B as shown in the diagram. Finally, we’ll insert 1 cap nut into the bottom hole of B and into K,
and we’ll then insert a SHCS screw through the bottom hole of part F, through part B, through part K and into
the cap nut. Tighten with your hand for now.
Repeat for hole above. Steps are indicated below:
Step 3:
For this step you’ll need the above assembly as well as part D, 2 SHCS screws and 2 cap nuts.
● Line up part D so the mounting holes line up with the holes on the forward legs of the above assembly.
Insert 1 cap nut into back of above assembly mounting hole and hold with finger in place.
● Next, insert 1 SHCS screw through part D, through above assembly, and into the cap nut.
● Tighten by hand or with hex keys as needed.
Step 4:
Assemble the Part E (Back Stabilizer Bar) to the part C (Back legs),it’s the same way as Step 3.
Step 5:
For this step you’ll need both the large and small hex keys and the assembly we’ve been creating.
● Tighten all the SHCS screws and bolts we’ve used to this point.
It will be helpful to place this assembly on the floor in the area you intend to use it so that you can get the
unit as level as possible based on the specific area you plan on using it. The important thing to remember here
is that part D and part E should set flat on the floor and touch as much of the floor as possible.
Step 6:
For this step you’ll need the assembly we’ve created, and 2 part H (Bike Arm Bars), 2 part I (Plastic
Cradles), 2 part J ( Rubber insert for Bike Cradles).
● Slide two of the bike arms on the part B uprights.
For straight tube bikes, slant tube frames 19” or less,and extraordinary frame configurations we suggest
mounting part H so that the tube is to the inside of part B upright. For extra large frames, slant tube frames over
19”, and most BMX frames we suggest mounting part H so that the tube is to the outside of part B upright. Once
you determine which way you’ll mount them, simply slide one over the top of part B, at least 3 inches below the
holes at the top of part B, and tighten the Knob to prevent part H from falling all the way down part B. Repeat for
other side. Add Part I by sliding on part H, then insert Part J into Part I.
● Assemble other 2 part H (Bike Arm Bars) at the other side as the same way of Step 8.