This product cannot replace normal ventilation equipment, vacuum
cleaners, or kitchen fans.
8. lease do not use this product near gas appliances, heating
appliances, or stoves.
9. o not use this product in a humid or hot environment, such as the
shower, restroom, or kitchen.
10. ake sure the remote is placed somewhere children cannot reach to
avoid unintended damage.
11. o not place in the following locations:
-Unstable places: this may cause the product to topple or fall down. This may lead to injury,
electrical leakage, or fire.
-Hot or humid places, such as the shower: this may result in electrical shock or fire due to
electrical leakage.
-Places like the kitchen that emit fumes.
12. o not use the air purifier in a room that is using an incense-type insect killer.
-Chemical residue may accumulate in the machine and then be released, causing harm to
physical health. –After using insect killer or mosquito coils, allow the room to be fully
ventilated before using the air purifier.
-Do not use this product in a place where you burn incense.