A ttac h th e h ook by f ollow ing proc ed ure.
1 .
I nsert th e tip of slotted sc rew d riv er into th e notc h
and remov e th e th e c ov er by pressing and slid ing it.
Notc h
C ov er
Insert the square nuts into the tool as shown in the figure.
S ec ure th e h ook w ith th e sc rew s.
S q uare nut
H ook
S c rew
Always be sure that the tool is
switched off and unplugged before carrying out
any work on the tool.
Installing or removing the recipro
saw blade
Always clean out all chips or for
eign matter adhering to the blade and around the
blade clamp.
Failure to do so may cause insufficient
tightening of the blade, resulting in a serious injury.
Bef ore installing th e rec ipro saw blad e, alw ay s make
sure th at th e blad e c lamp lev er ( part of th e blad e c lamp
sleev e) is in released position on th e insulation
cover. If the blade clamp lever is in fixed position, rotate
th e blad e c lamp lev er in th e d irec tion of th e arrow so
th at it c an be loc ked at th e released position .
Blad e c lamp lev er
R eleased position
F ix ed position
I nsert th e rec ipro saw blad e into th e blad e c lamp as f ar
as it will go. The blade clamp sleeve rotates and fixes the
rec ipro saw blad e. Make sure th at th e rec ipro saw blad e
c annot be ex trac ted ev en th ough y ou try to pull it out.
R ec ipro saw blad e
Blad e c lamp sleev e
If you do not insert the recipro saw
blade deep enough, the recipro saw blade may be
ejected unexpectedly during operation.
T h is c an
be ex tremely d angerous.
T o remov e th e rec ipro saw blad e, rotate th e blad e
c lamp lev er in th e d irec tion of th e arrow f ully . T h e rec i-
pro saw blad e is remov ed and th e blad e c lamp lev er is
fixed at the released position
R ec ipro saw blad e
Blad e c lamp lev er
Keep hands and fingers away from
the lever during the switching operation. Failure
to do so may cause personal injuries.
I f y ou remov e th e rec ipro saw blad e w ith out
rotating th e blad e c lamp lev er f ully , th e lev er may not be
loc ked in th e released position . I n th is c ase, rotate
th e blad e c lamp lev er f ully again, th en make sure th at
th e blad e c lamp lev er loc ked at th e released position .
I f th e blad e c lamp lev er is positioned insid e
the tool, switch on the tool just a second to let the
blad e out. U nplug th e tool bef ore installing or remov -
ing th e rec ipro saw blad e.
Always hold the tool firmly with
one hand on insulation cover and the other on the
switch handle.
Always press the shoe firmly
against the workpiece during operation.
I f th e
sh oe is remov ed or h eld aw ay f rom th e w orkpiec e
d uring operation, strong v ibration and / or tw isting w ill
be prod uc ed , c ausing th e blad e to snap d angerously .
Always wear gloves to protect your
hands from hot flying chips when cutting metal.
Be sure to always wear suitable
eye protection which conforms with current
national standards.
Always use a suitable coolant
(cutting oil) when cutting metal.
F ailure to d o so w ill
c ause premature blad e w ear.
Do not quirk the blade during cutting.
Press the shoe firmly against the workpiece. Do not
allow th e tool to bounc e. Bring th e rec ipro saw blad e
into ligh t c ontac t w ith th e w orkpiec e. F irst, make a pilot
groov e using a slow er speed . T h en use a f aster speed
to c ontinue c utting.
Do not cut the workpiece with the shoe
away from the workpiece or without the shoe.
D oing so inc reases th e reac tion f orc e w h ic h may
break th e rec ipro saw blad e.
Always be sure that the tool is
switched off and unplugged before attempting to
perform inspection or maintenance.
Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner,
alcohol or the like. Discoloration, deformation or
cracks may result.
T o maintain prod uc t S A F ET Y and R EL I A BI L I T Y ,
repairs, any other maintenance or adjustment should
be perf ormed by Makita A uth oriz ed or F ac tory S erv ic e
C enters, alw ay s using Makita replac ement parts.
Replacing carbon brushes
L imit mark
C h ec k th e c arbon brush es regularly .
R eplac e th em w h en th ey w ear d ow n to th e limit mark.
Keep th e c arbon brush es c lean and f ree to slip in th e
h old ers. Both c arbon brush es sh ould be replac ed at th e
same time. U se only id entic al c arbon brush es.
U se a sc rew d riv er to remov e th e brush h old er
c aps.
T ake out th e w orn c arbon brush es, insert th e new
ones and sec ure th e brush h old er c aps.
Brush h old er c ap