otes in assembly
(1)Field leas wire (Black)
(2) Within Handle
See to it that Field lead wire
willnot run on the diagonal line
part in the Illustration.
Place Choke coil lead wire here ,
folded as shown in the illustration.
Terminal block (if used)
When using Insulated
place it around
Noise suppressor (if
Insulated connector for
connecting Earth lead wire
( if used )
Store Lead wire into
Lead holder.
Store Field lead wire
(White) and Lead wire for
Earth relay ( if used) after
having attached Brush
Be careful so that Lead
wires ( Orange and
Purple)for connecting
Brush holder may not
slacken toward the
Commutator side.
Do not store Varnished
polyester tube (for protection
of White filed lead wire
andLead wire for earth relay,
if used ) into Lead holder.
Do not make Lead wire
loosened here.