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Fig. 8
Rotor When handling or storing Rotors,
therefore, protect Rotors from deterioration
due to the magnetic force as follows. Be sure
to provide a proper distance between Rotors
to protect from:
Demagnetization by contact of Rotors
Scratches on Rotor periphery, damage of
Fan and internal crack of Rotor by strong
collision of Rotors.
Also be sure to remove metal particles
attached on Rotor surface, which will cause
unusual noise and trouble.
Fig. 9
Assemble Ball bearing 629LLB, by pushing into
Bearing box portion of Gear housing cover [1]
Fig. 10
Put Gear housing cover on 1R033, aligning the Ball
bearing 629LLB in Fig. 9 to center hole of 1R033.
And stand Rotor [1] on Gear housing cover
inserting into the Ball bearing 629LLB
And setting Ball bearing 607LLB to shaft of Rotor
[1],put 1R032 on the Ball bearing 607LLB, and
press with Arbor press, until it stops.
In case of precisely assembled Ball bearing 607LLB,
shaft of Rotor [1] protrudes by 1.6 mm from Ball
bearing 607LLB.
1.6 mm