T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) h as been
measured in ac c ord anc e w ith a stand ard test meth od
and may be used f or c omparing one tool w ith anoth er.
T h e d ec lared v ibration total v alue( s) may also
be used in a preliminary assessment of ex posure.
The vibration emission during actual
use of the power tool can differ from the declared val-
ue( s) depending on the ways in which the tool is used
especially what kind of workpiece is processed.
Be sure to identify safety measures
to protect the operator that are based on an estima-
tion of exposure in the actual conditions of use ( tak-
ing account of all parts of the operating cycle such
as the times when the tool is switched off and when
it is running idle in addition to the trigger time) .
EC Declaration of Conformity
For European countries only
T h e EC d ec laration of c onf ormity is inc lud ed as A nnex A
to th is instruc tion manual.
General power tool safety warnings
Read all safety warnings, instruc-
tions, illustrations and speci cations provided
with this power tool.
F ailure to f ollow all instruc tions
listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or
serious inj ury .
Save all warnings and instruc-
tions for future reference.
T h e term " pow er tool" in th e w arnings ref ers to y our
mains-operated ( c ord ed ) pow er tool or battery -operated
( c ord less) pow er tool.
Cordless screwdriver safety
1 .
Hold the power tool by insulated gripping
surfaces, when performing an operation
where the fastener may contact hidden wiring.
F asteners c ontac ting a " liv e" w ire may make
ex posed metal parts of th e pow er tool " liv e" and
c ould giv e th e operator an elec tric sh oc k.
Always be sure you have a rm footing.
Be sure no one is below when using the tool in
high locations.
Hold the tool rmly.
4 .
Keep hands away from rotating parts.
5 .
Do not touch the bit or the workpiece immedi-
ately after operation; they may be extremely
hot and could burn your skin.
6 .
Always secure workpiece in a vise or similar
hold-down device.
DO NOT let comfort or familiarity
with product ( gained from repeated use) replace strict
adherence to safety rules for the subject product.
MISUSE or failure to follow the safety rules stated in this
instruction manual may cause serious personal injury.
Important safety instructions for
battery cartridge
1 .
Before using battery cartridge, read all instruc-
tions and cautionary markings on ( 1) battery
charger, ( 2) battery, and ( 3) product using
Do not disassemble battery cartridge.
If operating time has become excessively
shorter, stop operating immediately. It may
result in a risk of overheating, possible burns
and even an explosion.
4 .
If electrolyte gets into your eyes, rinse them out
with clear water and seek medical attention right
away. It may result in loss of your eyesight.
5 .
Do not short the battery cartridge:
( 1 )
Do not touch the terminals with any con-
ductive material.
( 2)
Avoid storing battery cartridge in a con-
tainer with other metal objects such as
nails, coins, etc.
( 3)
Do not expose battery cartridge to water or rain.
A battery short can cause a large current
ow, overheating, possible burns and even a
6 .
Do not store the tool and battery cartridge in
locations where the temperature may reach or
exceed 50 ° C ( 122 ° F) .
Do not incinerate the battery cartridge even if
it is severely damaged or is completely worn
out. The battery cartridge can explode in a re.
8 .
Be careful not to drop or strike battery.
9 .
Do not use a damaged battery.
1 0.
The contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to
the Dangerous Goods Legislation requirements.
F or c ommerc ial transports e.g. by th ird parties,
f orw ard ing agents, spec ial req uirement on pac k-
aging and labeling must be observ ed .
F or preparation of th e item being sh ipped , c onsult-
ing an ex pert f or h az ard ous material is req uired .
P lease also observ e possibly more d etailed
national regulations.
T ape or mask of f open c ontac ts and pac k up th e
battery in suc h a manner th at it c annot mov e
around in th e pac kaging.
1 1 .
When disposing the battery cartridge, remove
it from the tool and dispose of it in a safe
place. Follow your local regulations relating to
disposal of battery.
1 2.
Use the batteries only with the products
speci ed by Makita.
I nstalling th e batteries to
non-compliant products may result in a fire, exces
siv e h eat, ex plosion, or leak of elec troly te.
1 3.
If the tool is not used for a long period of time,
the battery must be removed from the tool.