New M2s ordered from MakerGear or from an authorized
MakerGear distributor have a Six‐Month Non‐
Transferable Limited Warranty. MakerGear will replace
defective parts on M2s that are under warranty.
Replacement parts may be new or refurbished and include
free shipping in the US only. Non‐US customers are
responsible for the shipping costs for replacement parts.
The M2 has an open design (no proprietary cartridges) and
M2 owners are free to use 3rd party filament. However,
the MakerGear hot end is only covered when MakerGear
filament and authentic MakerGear components are used.
Due to variances in quality, MakerGear is unable to
provide tech support for issues related to third party
filament. If you are using filament or extruder components
from a third party, you must contact your vendor for
technical support. The six‐month warranty offered by
MakerGear does not cover machine abuse.
Technical Support
lives on our website
at http://www.makergear.com/pages/support