Slicing Files
If you try to download and print a file from the internet,
you’ll notice its format is either .STL or .OBJ, which your M2
is unable to read. In order to print these files, you must use
special software designed to “slice” them into “.g” or
".gcode" format—this file format, known as G‐Code, gives
your M2 step‐by‐step commands for where/how to extrude
material. The steps listed below will help you set up your
slicer settings to slice a .STL file stored on your SD Card into
.g format.
Print "hexa.g" from the included SD card, which we have
sliced for you using Simplify3D software. This should take
about 15 minutes to print, and will serve as a comparison to
your sliced version of the same model.
Remove your SD Card from the card reader on your M2
and insert it into your computer's card reader—this will
enable significantly faster transfer of files between your
computer and the SD card (if your computer does not have
an SD card reader, then you can use an external USB card
Move hexa.stl from your SD card onto a folder stored on
your computer.