Press and hold the Power button for >2 seconds to power
. The
logo startup screen will appear followed by the thermal image
display. If the battery requires recharging, refer to next page.
Point the unit toward the area or object of interest and view the
thermal image. Relative temperature is represented by color, hot to
cold (light to dark, respectively). The IR Temperature reading
represents the temperature of the spot targeted by the Crosshairs,
at the same time the hot and cold point temperature will be
displayed on the screen.
Short trigger to freeze/capture the image. Press "
" to save the
image or press "
" to share the image with smart devices.
Trigger again to discard the image.
Press "
" to Lock current scene temperature range,
Press ''
" again to discard.
3. Quick Start Guide
The thermal imager is intuitive and easy to use; here are the basic steps
(covered in more detail later in this Guide):
3.1. Basic Steps