SATMAR60 User Manual
Objects such as a tall lighthouse, bridges and big ships that block this view will cause a
loss of signal. The signal will be quickly restored once the antenna has a clear line of
sight again. Heavy rain, cloud, snow or ice may also interfere with the signal reception
quality. If the satellite signal is lost due to blockage or severe weather conditions,
services from the receiver will be lost (The picture will freeze frame and may disappear).
When the satellite signal strength is again high enough, then the receiver will resume
providing desired programming services.
System Components
System Components
System Components
System Components
Antenna Unit
The antenna unit houses the antenna positioning
mechanism, LNB (low noise block), and control
elements within a radome. Weather tight
connectors join the power, signal, and control
cabling from the below decks units.
IDU(In Door Unit)
The IDU is the system’s user interface, providing
access to the system and its functions through an
LCD and three buttons. The IDU also serves as
the vessel’s junction box, allowing the system to
use vessel power, and supply and receive data
to/from the antenna unit.
Figure 1-3 System Components