The Majestic Shower Company Limited
Two North Place, Edinburgh Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2SL England
Tel44 (0) 8448 001 500
Fac44 (0) 1279 635 074 [email protected]
Place the 10 mm Spacer into the Underframe channel and use it to align the vertical wall
Push the wall profile down as far as it will go and use a 2 metre spirit level to ensure that
it is plumb vertical. Mark the screw fixing holes on the wall and remove the vertical profile.
Drill 4.5 mm holes where marked and insert wall plugs. Reposition the vertical
profile and insert the top and bottom screws to hold it temporarily in place.
Remove the 10 mm Spacer. Insert rubber strip into the underframe as shown to
cushion the glass.
Rio Installation Guide - Surface Profiles