The green joiners have already been put in place in the black fibreglass conrods. Place the wheel in
front of you so the crank and drive wheel are facing you.
We will start with the pedal on your left hand side. Select the conrod that is CLOSEST to YOU. It is
on the end of the curved arm and is attached to the crank assembly with the special right angle
rod end connector. Push the green joiner into the hole at the end of the pedal until it protrudes
by about 5mm. Check the alignment of the rod end in the crank assembly as shown in the images
below. You may need to twist the green joiner in the pedal to correct the alignment. When the rod
end is aligned correctly, screw the 25mm gold screw in the pedal into place.
Now work on the pedal on your right. Obviously there will only be one available conrod now. The
one that is CLOSEST to the DRIVE WHEEL. Push the green joiner through the hole in the pedal end
into the right hand pedal. It should protrude through the bottom of the pedal about 5mm. Check
the alignment of the inner rod end in the crank assembly. When the rod end is aligned correctly -
parallel with the face of the drive wheel - screw the 25mm screw back into place. The screw should
only be tightened until the head just touches the side of the pedal. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN!
2 - Gold 25mm (1”) screws
(in the hardware bag)
Posidrive screwdriver
8. Conrods to Pedals
When the three screws are all in place, you can finish
tightening them up.