DVR operation manual
Pic 5.32 DAS
Reverse”■” means choose,setting can become effective.
Serial number
Input a series of number manually,default serial number is 123456.
Server Address
Active register server IP.
Server Port
The port of active register server IP,default is 9400.
User Name
Default user name is admin,also can don
’t input any user.
Default have no password,also can don
’t input any pass
Note:when the server add the active register device,its serial number must be the same as the
’s which in the DAS setting interface,and its port must be the same as the device’s media port
which in the network setting interface,otherwise the server will prompt the device don
’t online.
Enable cloud function,if the device in the public network,means the device connect to cloud server
successfully,you can monitor the device through cloud technology.This function provide great
convenience to customers.The cloud monitor technology refer to chapter 5.
Pic 5.33 cloud
The maximum transmission unit in the network transmission,default is 1280 Byte.
First boot the device,it pops cloud guid interface,you can choose if enable the cloud function.