Trial and error method
Open adjustment chamber of the charger to allow for easy movement of the connector pins. The
adjustment arms that the pins are connected to freely move left, right, up and down. Randomly align the
charger contacts with two of the battery pack pins; if unit's light indicators begin flashing and a brief
audible tone is heard, you found your contacts. If a continuous tone is heard, that means you have the
right contacts, but wrong polarity and that can be rectified by lifting the battery off the contacts, moving
the polarity switch over, and putting the battery back on the pins to rest. If no audible tone is heard,
continue testing other contact pairs.
Place temperature sensor on battery and press discharge button. The unit will discharge and then fully
charge the battery pack. The process should take from 1-5 hours to discharge depending on the capacity
of the battery.
This is the standard process for NiMH batteries that have been previously cycled through at least 3-5
times (if NiMH battery is new, please see section about Conditioning.
1) Supply power to unit with either wall adapter for home or cigarette lighter for auto.
2) Locate charge contact on battery pack. If the battery has more than two contacts and they are not
properly labeled positive and negative, see section on Conditioning under #3.
3) Align the charger contacts to the positive and negative terminals on your battery. Use adjustment
arms in open adjustment chamber to move pins onto the contacts.
4) If the connection between battery and charger is good, the unit's right red light indicator will begin to
flash. Depending on the voltage of the battery to be charged, the right red light will flash accordingly:
1 flash = 4.8v, 2 flashes = 6v, 3 flashes = 7.2v,
4 flashes = 9.6v, 5 flashes = 12v
5) After flashes cease, a audible tone will sound. If it is a short beep; contact is good and the unit is
ready to charge. If it is a continuous tone; contact is good, but polarity is reversed, which can be rectified
by removing battery, moving polarity switch over and placing battery back on contact to charge. If you
do not hear an audible tone, continue adjusting the pin adjustments to mate with the different contacts on
your battery until you hear a beep or see the lights start the detection phase.
6) Once contact is good; the unit's light indicators have flashed and the audible tone has been heard, unit
will begin charging. Place the temperature sensor on battery pack.
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MH-C777 Universal Charger Conditioner Instruction Manual