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A competent expert* should maintain the plant
once a year
considering the following
Observe the safety advice „Cleaning work in a container“ prior to cleaning the plant!
Please always observe all relevant protective measures at work when cleaning a container
as well as when handling contaminated waste water (safety glasses and safety clothing).
Please have the maintenance work only be done when a disposal company is at site
and after having emptied the grease separator.
1. Turn the main switch to position „OFF“ and secure it against restart by a padlock.
2. While the inside of the container is cleaned the suction pump at the disposal car needs
to be switched on.
3. Internal Cleaning of the Container:
open the container lid
thorough cleaning of all pipes (inlet pipe, outlet pipe and integrated sampling
device, vent pipes) by using a high-pressure cleaner (if necessary pipe cleaning
thorough internal cleaning of the container also by using a high-pressure cleaner
4. External Cleaning of the Container:
Depending on the degree of contamination by using a high-pressure cleaner.
* „Competent experts“ are people at the operator’s site or assigned third parties who ensure that - due to their qualification,
skills and experiences gained by practical activity – they do evaluations or inspections in the relevant field of reference in a
proper way.