Magtrol Model 3411 Torque Display
Chapter 5 – Computer Controlled Operation
To access the web interface of the 3411, you must know the IP address of your unit. Once the units
IP address is know, open a web browser on any computer in the same local network as your 3411
and type the units IP into the address bar. Alternatively, you can use http://magtrol3411/ to access
the web interface. The web interfaces home page is depicted below.
Figure 5–1 3411 Web interface home page
The opening page of the web interface displays the front panel of your 3411 unit. The operation of
the 3411 through the remote interface is exactly the same as manually controlled operation with
the mouse pointer replacing your finger. A mouse click acts as if you were physically pushing the
button, except for the following caveats. Whenever you are prompted to input a number, such as
the torque scale or encoder pulse per revolution, you cannot use the arrow buttons to change this
number. You must now click over the displayed value and use the keyboard to type it. Once you
have typed in the value, you can either press enter on the keyboard or use your mouse to click the
enter button on the display. If the number entered is valid, and the setting is successfully saved to
the unit, the fonts color will change to green for a few second before reverting back to displaying
the current power, torque and speed.
When a user is remotely controlling the unit via the web interface, the unit will lock the keypad to
prevent any simultaneous changing of settings. The 3411 will also blink on the display the actions
the remote user is giving to the unit. In a similar fashion, when a person physically present to the unit
is changing a setting, any button presses on the web interface will result in the interface “shaking”
on the screen.