The voltage selector switch is located under the control panel, next to the output connection lugs. The selector switch
is a three position switch that mechanically changes the connections between the generator output leads and the
connection lugs or optional cam lock connectors. Voltage ranges are selected by rotating the handle on the switch
to the desired voltage.
attempt to change the voltage selector switch while the engine is running! This will
cause severe arcing and damage to the switch and generator windings.
The connection lug door is equipped with safety interlock switches that will trip the main circuit breaker and disable
the voltage regulator, dropping the operator output to residual voltage, if the door is opened while the unit is operating.
Never attempt to disable or modify the lug door safety switches. Equipment damage,
personal injury or death may result.
When the voltage selector switch is in position for 480/277V 3Ø, voltage at the two GFCI duplex convenience
outlets is 139 Volts and the voltage at the two twist-lock outlets is 240/139 Volts. When the voltage selector switch
is in position for 208/120V 3Ø, voltage at the two twist-lock outlets and the two GFCI duplex convenience outlets is
208/120 Volts.