5.9.6 Crease gate fold setting
After finished paper data setting (chapter 5.5), go to the folding data setting.
Choose the crease gate fold; its icon will appear in the fold type. And the
preset data will automatic setup. For example, the paper of 420mm long will
need folding line 1: 104.2mm (420/4-0.8 = 104.2mm, the -0.8mm is thickness
compensation calculate with 0.2mm paper thickness, and this value will
change with thickness); folding line 2: 210mm (420/4*2=210mm, and this is
crease-only); folding line 3: 315.8mm (420/4*3 + 0.8=315.8mm, the +8mm is
thickness compensation). The roller position will setup, too. Those value can
be changed manually. User can change roller position to other value (such as
210mm), as long as the product in the outfeed area will not crash next product
and still be pressed by the outfeed roller smoothly. For the Shingle, it will
change the distance that the second sheet stack on the first sheet. Larger
value make two sheets far away; smaller value make two sheets closer. Click
return button after finished setting, the data will show up in the screen. Then,
user can go to run screen for the job.
Note: Sometime, the folding lines’ value is changing base on real situation
(thickness, filming, and printing else), it might not be exactly half of the length.
The value for roller position and shingle is same ideas, they might need to
change with the real situation. For example, the following photo shows that
the first sheet has about 30mm distance away from the outfeed exit. Then,
second sheet can outfeed normally without crash.