Download Address Book
On the bottom of the menu is where the Download Address
Book area is located; here you can enable or disable the
Address book automatic download feature.
If Yes is selected the will system start the Address Book
download process because the download could require several
seconds. The system also maintains a local copy of the
Address Book and each connection following will “system
download” again to the Address Book, updating the local copy.
If No is selected the system will not download the Address
Book. When the switch goes from Yes to No, then the local
copy of the Address Book is deleted.
The local copy of the Address Book:
will not be accessible when the phone is not connected;
will be stored on the system in a protected manner.
Corrupting the system maliciously could potentially
gain access to Address Book data. If you have some
concerns about this, you can select the No option at any time.
Connecting User
This feature allows you to force connection to the chosen
STEP 1: Press the CONNECT SK button to force connection