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Select the appropriate connector cable for charging: 

White rectangular plug for direct connecting to the battery, 

Black cylindrical plug for use with equipment that has an integral charging jack, 

and plug it into the end of the charger output cable. 


Plug charger power supply in to a 110 VAC 60 Hz power source. The green light should come on.



Set the charger voltage selector switch to correct voltage for the battery 
being charged.

BT644-6 set for 6 V  
BT628-0 set for 12 V 


Plug the output cable into the battery or equipment to be charged. When properly connected the 
amber light should come on. 


The amber light indicates battery is being charged, the green light indicates battery is fully 
charged and the red light indicates trouble. See trouble section below. 


The amber light will stay on till the battery is fully charged. When fully charged the green light 
will come on. The charging times for fully discharged battery is approximately as follows. 

BT644-6    3 hours  
BT628-0    2 hours 


When fully charged and the green light is on, the charger automatically switches to trickle charge. 
Under this condition the battery is maintained at its proper voltage. Leaving the battery connected 
at this point will not damage the battery, but for safety reasons it is best to disconnect the battery 
and unplug the charger when charging is not needed. 


Do not leave the battery connected to an unplugged charger, the charger will slowly drain the 
battery down. If the battery is connected, but the charger is not plugged in the green light will be 


Trouble, red light on is caused by: 

Shorted output, check cables and battery. 

Wrong voltage setting, check voltage switch setting versus battery type. 

Reversed polarity, check cables and battery. 


If the output of the charger is shorted the red light will come on and the output shut back. The 
charger’s output voltage will not reset until the short has been removed for at least 5 seconds. 


A fully charged battery will be over 7 Volts DC for the BT644-6 and 14 Volts DC for the BT628-0. 
If there are any problems or questions in the operation of this unit please call Telemotive Service.  
Replacement cables are: 

Battery connector, white rectangular plug - part number –  WA4641-4 
In equipment connector, black cylindrical plug - part number – WA272-3 


TC10695-0   9/22/2003 
