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9.1.3 Recording contents
The BLUEPIRAT2 is able to record the following error states of the CAN bus:
Stuff error
Format error
Acknowledge error
Bit 0/1 error
CRC error
These error states are only included in the Telemotive file formats. After reaching a certain num-
ber of errors (50 errors), the recording of error states is interrupted until reception of the next
successful CAN message to avoid an overload of the recorded data.
9.1.4 Sending CAN messages
If the BLUEPIRAT2 sends a CAN message, it is shown twice in the trace: The first message in-
dicates the transmit request of the data logger and the second message indicates the actual
transmission of the message.
In the CANoe file format these messages are indicated as “TxRq” and “Tx”, respectively. The
transmit request messages are not included in file format that don't support them.