MAGICO Q7 User’s Guide
The Q7 uses a tweeter equipped with a Beryllium dome, allowing a frequency range
extending beyond 40kHz. In its solid form, Beryllium is harmless. However, due to its
nature, certain special precautions should be observed to avoid exposure to unnecessary
risk such:
• Under no circumstances should the Beryllium dome be subjected to any form of abrasive
• In the unlikely case of damage to the dome, of any form, a wide piece of adhesive tape
should be immediately used to seal the whole front surface of the tweeter. You should
then inform the dealer from whom you purchased the product so that the tweeter can be
removed and replaced by a professional.
• If the dome is broken in any way giving rise to loose particles of Beryllium, these should
be carefully collected with the use of an adhesive tape and sealed in a zip-top bag to be
returned with the tweeter.