The Configuration tab
This page provides you with information about the printer set up, - it also allows you to adjust these
settings. The following information is shown on the screen:-
Image Start Position
This is the position where the image will start printing.
Image End Position
This is the position where the image will finish printing.
Printhead Density Calibration.
This adjusts the intensity of heat at the printhead and
hence controls the depth of colour achieved. However,
care must be taken not to have this setting raised too
high as this will adversely affect the Dye film.
Cards printed Between Each Cleaning Prompt.
This informs the customer automatically when a certain
number of cards have been printed and cleaning is
required. This is factory set at 350 cards, but may be
adjusted by the customer.
Cleaning Prompt Status.
This allows the cleaning prompt to be selected to on or off.
Change button
It is possible to alter the value of any of the above settings. Type in the new value in the window to
the right of the required setting, then press the ‘Change’ button.
Defaults button
Resets all the above settings back to their original factory pre-sets.
Adjusting the Image Start Position
An increase in the number moves the image start position to the right, increasing the white leading
edge of the card. A numerical change of 8 digits moves the start position a distance of 1 line width
When adjusting the image start position it is important that the image remains within the
parameters of the card. If the image start position is moved forward of the front of the card,
this will result in the cutting of the dye film.
Adjusting the Image End Position
An increase in the number moves the image end position to the right, closer to the rear of the card.
A numerical change of 1 digit moves the start position a distance of 1 line width.
When adjusting the image end position it is important that the image remains within the
parameters of the card. Should the image end position move off the back of the card this
will result in the cutting of the dye film.
Adjusting the Print Density
An increase in the number increases the intensity of the colour. As a datum point the setting should
be reasonably close to the resistance setting shown on the printhead (example R3531) Because of
the high numbers it is advisable to alter the settings in increments of 25 or 50.
When adjusting the print density setting it is important to note that too high a setting will
cause the dye film to overheat and adhere to the cards an excessively high setting will
cause the dye film to melt.