Resin Black Button Options
The various options available decide how the black colour is
transferred to the card, either as a composite of the 3 colour panels,
directly from the resin black panel or a combination of resin black laid
over the composite black.
The following selections are available:
Do Not Use:
Prints only in Composite Black
Use Always:
Prints all black in Resin Black
Text Only:
Prints text in Resin Black
Except in Colour Picture:
Prints Resin Black except in the photograph
This control should be experimented with as both the definition and
intensity of the black can be varied to suit a number of image types.
This is particularly important if printing barcodes or photographs containing a large amount of black
when it is recommended that either text only or except in colour picture are used.
The Advanced selection compares the black pixels in the image with those around it and
compensate accordingly to produce optimum results.
Overcoat Button Options:
Overcoat Security Selections:
The protective overcoat can be laid in one of the
following forms:
No Secure Overcoat:
Prints the card with a clear
protective coating.
Ultra Secure:
Prints the Ultra Secure key and text
over the surface of the card.
Ultra Shield:
Prints the Ultra Security Key without the
overcoat, used when cards are to be
Tile Rotate
Rotates the overcoat to print the correct
way up in either shield, secure or
Holokote key.
Overcoat Area Selections:
Overcoat Enabled:
Enables the cards to be printed with or without the protective overcoat
User Defined:
This selection allows you to define the areas of the card upon you wish the
protective overcoat to be applied.
Overcoat Holes Selections:
Used when printing chip cards or double-sided cards, It allows the overcoat to be laid while leaving
a hole around the chip or along the magnetic stripe as defined by the user. The user-defined
settings start at the top left of the card as 0 top and 0 left and go out to 1026 right, 641 bottom.