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4.4.2 Machine’s postioning
The machine is designed to stand on its own small feet.
The working area, on which the machine is positioned, has to respond to all requirements stated by the machine
developers at the planning stage. The minimum required working space is also to be considered in order to en-
sure easy and safe operation and maintenance.
For the leveling You need a delicate level ( 0,05 mm/m accuracy) and a rectified angle
plate (+/- 0,01 mm).
After having positioned the machine on the assigned
area, do start leveling by following the below-stated in-
Take off the filling caps
( A )
Work on adjusting screws for leveling
( B )
Put the angle plate on the working-table, and
lay the level on the plate length- and longwise
to check leveling
Make sure that leveling is carried out with the greatest accuracy, in fact a bad positioning and leveling
may result into abnormal wear conditions of some mechanical parts and into malfunctioning.
( A )
( B )
( B )