SHAPE menu (cont.)
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If the SOURCE is at 0V, the output value will also be 0V.
Applies a left shift operation based on the value of the SOURCE.
Applies a right shift operation based on the value of the SOURCE.
SAMPLE & HOLD. If the SOURCE is greater than 0, the current value is frozen.
Each step of the sequence can randomly play either the SOURCE or the DESTINATION wave.
Depending on the value of the SOURCE, a sample from any of the 8 channels is played.
Amplify and apply offset to the output. Since the range of KAIROS is -5V to +5V, values exceeding the-
se limits will be truncated. To switch between editing VOLUME and OFFSET, press the SMALL encoder.
Both are calculated in real time and are not available in the MIDI type.
Quantizes the output, tuning it to a scale (if selected). By pressing the SMALL encoder, you can alterna-
te between editing the scale type and the root note. KAIROS performs real-time quantization.
Applies an IIR filter to smooth out the resulting waveform. The filter is applied in real-time.
Choose whether you want to save the current channel configuration to a slot, multiple slots, delete it
or load information stored. You can also load the saved information from a slot to the current channel.
Rotate the SMALL encoder to select the option and press the same encoder to execute the function.
To switch between editing the SOURCE mode and channel, press the SMALL encoder. CROSSOVER is
not available in the MIDI type.
If the tuning is not accurate, you can calibrate the module. For more details, please refer to page 36.
More information about the PATCHES menu can be found on page 35.