The first screen displayed is the ROUTE
SUMMARY screen. This screen displays
the start and end landmark for the entire
route as well as the total distance of the
Use the LEFT/RIGHT ARROWs to view
the legs in the route. The leg screen
displays the FROM and TO landmark for
the leg as well as the distance and bearing
for the leg. The circle graphically displays
the bearing for the leg. Continue pressing
the LEFT/RIGHT ARROWs to step
through the other legs in the route,
eventually returning to the ROUTE SUMMARY screen.
Activating/Deactivating a Route
With a route in memory, press
until ROUTE appears
at the top of the display. Press
. Press the UP
ARROW. If the route is currently active, the display indicates:
ENT TO DEACTVATE. If the route is currently deactivated,
the display indicates: ENT TO ACTIVATE. Pressing
will activate or deactivate the route depending upon its
present status.