Customizing the Speed Screen
Any of the five data fields on the Speed Screen can be changed to display information that is
valuable to you. You have the option of choosing Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Heading, Bearing,
Turn, Speed, Avg spd (average speed), Max Spd (maximum speed), ETA (Estimated Time of
Arrival), TTG (Time To Go), Distance (Distance To Go), Odo (Odometer), Trip odo (Trip Odometer),
trip time, Last fix, Bat Level, Bat Max, Date, Time, UTC or Blank.
Changing the Data Fields
Tap on the arrow to the left of the data field you wish to change. A
popup menu is displayed with the various options available. Tap on
the desired data type to select. You can tap on the up/down arrows
to view more items in the list.