Default settings
The default settings of the UART and USB ports are as follows:
Baudrate: 115200
Character Framing: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: None
Basic Command Syntax
All commands starting with AT+ entailed in documents:
u-blox-ATCommands_Manual_(UBX-13002752) for M111, M114, M115,
SARA-N2_ATCommandsManual_UBX-16014887 for M112, and
SARA-R4_ATCommandsManual_(UBX-17003787) for M113
All mPack commands start with AT# are the only ones covered in this document, e.g.
Error codes for uBlox commands are as described in the uBlox AT command manual
Error codes for mPack commands are as follows:
“ERROR BAD PARAMETER” for wrong parameters or out of range values
“ERROR UNKNOWN COMMAND” for wrong command syntax
LED Status Indicator
The LED will indicate different status of the modem:
For Orange LED:
OFF: No cellular connection
ON: Cellular connection
Blinking: Data transfer
For Green LED:
OFF: No power
Slow blink: No signal or CSQ < 4,99
Fast blink: Bad CSQ < 9
ON: Good signal or CSQ > 10
Confidential, the whole document is the sole property of Maestro Wireless Solutions Ltd.
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